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"After praying to Naaraayana, Nara, Sarasvathi and Vyaasa, then one should read the Jayam."



( In this name, the 'n' sounds like n in 'sun'. Y is a consonant and sounds like y in żou'. )

This link gives details of three persons - King Sharyaathi, his daughter Sukanya and her husband sage Chyavana.

Sharyaathi was a king. Sukanya was his daughter. Once he went on a pleasure trip to a forest alongwith his queens and daughters. Sukanya was wandering around the forest with her maids. At a place she saw two glowing objects covered under an ant-hill. Out of innocent curiosity, she pricked into the two objects to know what they were. In fact, they were the eyes of a sage named Chyavana of the Bhrigu family. He was so immursed in his penances that ant-hills grew on him. But, his two eyes kept glowing resplendently. Angry with Sukanya for her silly conduct, the sage caused costiveness ( obstruction of bowels, hindering secretions)to all the king's people. Sharyaathi enquired with everybody and found from his daughter about her act. He suspected something and got the ant-hill dug. The sage was seen lost in deep meditation. After a long invokation, the sage came out of his meditation. Shatyaathi begged him for appology and solicited for a remedy. Chyavana imposed that Sharyaathi's daughter Sukanya was the cause for all that and so she should be given to her in marriage. Accordingly, the king gave his daughter to the old sage as penalty for her misconduct and went home with his party.

Sukanya was faithfully serving her husband in the forest. Once Ashvis, the celestial physicians saw and inquired about her stay in forest. After learning her story, they laughed at her and advised her choose a young and handsome husband for her and they also assured her of bringing that selected groom for her. Sukanya disapproved their immoral advice and reported to chyavana. He admired her faithfulness and encouraged her to ask the Asvhis for some boon. She went back to them and asked "Gods! Please make my husband Chyavana a young man again." The Ashvis praised her faithfullness towards her husband. They took chyavana with them and dipped into a holy lake named Payoshni. The three came out in the forms of young and handsome men. All offered company to Sukanya but Sukanya chose only her husband from among the three.

thus Sukanya overcame her ill luck. Sharyaathi learnt this and visited them. Chyavana advised him to perform a sacrifice there on the banks of that lake Payoshni. During that sacrifice which Chyavana himself conducted, Soma was offered to Ashvis as a measure of gratitude towards them for retoring his youth. But, Indra objected as Ashvis were not entitiled to a share in sacrificial soma juice. As Chyavana did not care his words and proceedded with his work, Indra held his bolt up to hit at Chyavana. But the sage immobilised Indra's hand as it was raised up with the thunder-bolt held in it. He also created a demon named Mada to punish Indra. As he could do nothing to save himself with his jammed hand, he surrendered himself to Chyavana. Since then Ashvis were also made entitled to a share in Soma juice of sacrifices.

"After praying to Naaraayana, Nara, Sarasvathi and Vyaasa, then one should read the Jayam."