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"After praying to Naaraayana, Nara, Sarasvathi and Vyaasa, then one should read the Jayam."


B R A A H M A N A , K S H A T H R I Y A , V Y S H Y A , S H O O D R A

In the first name, the N is pronounced like 'n' in 'turn'. In the second name, the KSH is pronounced like 'ctio' in 'action', the TH is pronounced like 'th' in 'with' and the Y is pronounced like 'y' in 'you'. In the third name, the first Y is a vowel pronounced like y in 'my'. The SH is pronounced like one between 's' in 'sum' and 'sh' in 'shut'. The second Y is pronounced like 'y' in 'you'. In the fourth name, the SH is pronounced like one between 's' in 'soup' and 's' in 'shoot'. The D is pronounced like 'th' in 'brother'. These names can represent a person in particular or the class as a whole.)

Ancient Indian society had four orders ( or varnas )of its members in normal life. That means this division was not applicable to sanyaasi, as a renounced one does not have any caste or varna or duties notified for it. The four orders or varnas, often referred to as castes, were Braahmana, Kshathriya, Vyshya and Shoodra seemingly in the order of respect they enjoy in the society. These four orders of the society were compared to (or said to be born from) the creator's face,hands,thighs and feet .They were to take care of their respective duties in the society which were bestowed on them just by birth. The duties ( dharmas) of the fist three cadres were : vedic and theological , ruling and administration, agriculture and commerce. The fourth cadre (Shoodras) was to offer the ancilliary services to the other three. However, it was never uncommon for a higher cadre member to choose the profession of the lower one. E.g. many braahmanas adopted warriorship as their profession. Of course, this division afterwards became the basis to the much derided caste system in the country.


A true Braahmana should devote himslef to the study and practice of the vedas. He should not look for wealth or luxury. He should not yield to lust or greed or anger. He should equally love all beings. His six primary duties were,
  1. Studying vedas
  2. Teaching the vedas
  3. Performing sacrificial rituals
  4. conducting of such performances undertaken by others
  5. Giving alms to the eligible
  6. Aaccepting alms from the suitable givers.

At first it may seem that there was great injustice in alloting such duties to the members of the society without equality or scope for individual choice. But, that was a formidable system of division of labour that gave an unquestionable postings to the members of the society whereby an automatic system of recruitment, training and deployment came into existence and ran the society as a whole. Yet, except for the profession of the Braahmanas , there was always freedom to adopt one's profession . Many shoodras enjoyed jobs in the army and government . Many kings were known to be learned in philosophy . Many non-braahmanas were known as scholars in the scriptures too . Without knowing or studying all these things some foreigners with mala fide intentions and their blind Indian followers propogated the view that 'higher' castes in our society opressed the 'lower' castes . Once in good olden days, certain practices were in vouge when all the people believed in the same philosophy . When the philosophy itself was discarded ,there should not be any clash at all among various castes asto who are superior . Unfortunately , lack of discrete thinking makes us blind to distinguish between personal or private and social or public practces .

Over a period of ages, as new cultures popped up to divide the society into fragments based on castes or religion and as clean fraternity gave way to thrust to supremacy, all ancient rules were misinterpreted with the result that the monolythic structure of the society got many schisms in it only to get weakened.

In Mahaabhaaratham, many prominent characters are braahmanas. The trio of braahmanas that played a vital role in the great war were ,

. It was common those days to refer to people by their caste , be it considered higher or lower . Even in those days of strict adherence to the rules of hierarchy by castes , we can see many occasions on which people criticised their adversaries bitterly , refering to their caste, lower or higher.


kshathriyas were the second order of the society. Their primary duties were

  1. Ruling and administering the state.
  2. Study and practice of vedas
  3. Performing sacrificial rites
  4. Giving alms to eligible people.

They were prohibited from receiving alms and conducting sacrificial rites performed by others. They should offer protection to the needy, guard the kingdom from enemies and fight wars if needded. Running away from the battle field or not accepting a challenge for duel were considered to be shameful. The race of kshathriyas was nearly swept off in the great war of Kurukshethram. In the current society, there is no need for them to stick to the rules of ancient days. However, the race should be remembered for their heroic deeds in saving the country from enemies for many centuries despite many troubles.


vyshyas were the third order of the society. Their principal activities are

  1. To study and practice vedas
  2. To undertake trade and commerce
  3. To perform sacrificial rites.
  4. To give alms to eligible people.

As clear from the duties allotted to them, they were the richest community those days. Kings gave very good importance to this section of the society, as the financial strength of the state depended on them.Unlike the other three sections, these were hardly heard of involving in fighting affairs.In the Mahaabhaaratham. Dhritharaashtra got a son named Yuyuthsu from a vyshya wife.Yuyuthsu defected to Yudhishthira's side in the last moment in the battle field, responding to Yudhishthira's invitation for anyone willing to join him from the kouravas side. And so he survived the great war. (In recent times, we hear of Hemachandra, popularly known as Hemu, from thevyshya community, whoo almost defeated the foreign invader Akbar, but failed due to various reasons.)


The shoodra sect was to extend support to the first three sects in performing their duties. This rule and some other interpretations gave rise to a misunderstanding that these were treated as servants. That was not right. They were given such duties which require physical abilities primarily. It was sad that many baseless rules were framed against them as to the study of vedas etc. Even though the veda itself prescribes that it was intended for all the sects without any discrimination, some schools of thought like shankaraachaarya, proscribed the shoodras from studying them. it was injustice. Everybody can prosecute and practice the vedas if he can stick on to the rules of its study.

In the later ages, after the kshathriya race lost its glory, many kingdoms went in to the hands of shoodra kings. There were many great rulers among them. However, nowadays, it is out of context to stick to the factor of caste except for personal reasons of the people in connection with their private affairs. But , the current political system nourishes the caste politics for short term benefits at the cost of long term benefits like social harmony.

Many people allege that the caste system brought ruin to our country. But when seen from the history, it was religious indiscretion on the part of the rulers that brought more damage to the country than the self-fading caste system.

"After praying to Naaraayana, Nara, Sarasvathi and Vyaasa, then one should read the Jayam."